Patient Information

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What to Expect

First step is to book a consultation with a doctor, chiropractor or physiotherapist if you are seeing one, to see if Spinal Decompression is the best treatment for you. A referral will be needed from one of those professionals. You may be sent for x-rays or MRI imaging at that time. If you have recent (previous 6 months) x-rays, imaging, reports or DVDs with images please take to your referral as well as your first decompression treatment. At beginning of care the patient will have a pre-assessment. The information obtained in this session allows us to track your progress. Re-evaluations will be done weekly. We like to schedule treatment sessions at the beginning of the week and treat 5 days consecutively, ideally Monday to Friday. Length of care required is on a treatment by treatment basis. We recommend a minimum of 5 treatment sessions up to 20-25.

What’s A SpineMed Session Like?

Comfortable and Relaxing 30 Minute Session

Minimum of 5 to 25 treatments recommended depending on severity of disc damage. Typically 3-5 times per week over 4 to 6 weeks. Each session has a cumulative effect, significantly reducing pain and improving function as patients progress. Procedure is performed fully clothed.
• For Low Back Pain:
You are comfortably positioned lying on your back, knees bent. Pelvis and upper torso are secured comfortably in place with pelvic restraints. The computerized bed can gently tilt the pelvis to target specific spinal segments. Then with precise computer controlled tension, the specific disc segment is gently decompressed.
• For Neck Pain:
You are comfortably positioned lying on your back, neck cradled, knees bent. The cervical unit can be adjusted to a certain angle once again to focus on a certain spinal segment. The forehead is comfortably restrained for controlled decompression.

Payment Information

Payment Info:  debit, visa, master card, cash or cheque.

Payment plans can be set up.

The SpineMED® program involves daily treatment sessions at a cost of $125.00 per visit.

Printable Referral Forms

Referral form from Physician PDF

Referral form from Chiropractor PDF